standpoint it gets high marks in terms of providing a pretty complete picture
of the entire space, including all things which are actually mandatory like
floors, ceilings, stairs etc. You can step back and get a doll house view of
the space, which looks like exactly what it sounds like, or you can get a top
down view of each floor - the floor plan view. From either of these starting
points you can click on a spot and enter the space and start moving around with
your mouse that you can see the whole tour of 3D virtual real estate.
The buyer's
standpoint it can be great because, if you trust the experience and you have
the patience, you can tour a home a lot faster than you can set up an
appointment, drive in your car, walk around the property, and return home
because if you want to see something new and unique then you have to do all of
that. And if you don't have the patience for to see your project or something
that might be also you have to wait for the computer because when we wait for
something and we don’t have patience then we feel that time is really long as
long and advance you through the house vs. the physical alternative. Of course,
if you like what you see with the virtual tour you are going to set up a
physical tour as well that it may be good or worst that you can’t decide before
going on tour of 3D

It would be
interesting and its difficult to arrange more money for virtual tour that to
know how long the average person spends on these virtual tours and if the use
of this tool results in more or less showings that means it’s not reflect that
whatever we expect something.
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